Lowest Price Guarantee
Designed exclusively for Heal's, these pieces are made to the highest quality standards and at the lowest price possible to you.
We're so proud of it that we will NEVER reduce its price or include it in ANY of our Sales or Offers. If we do, we'll refund you the difference.
Terms & Conditions
The Price Guarantee applies only to items displaying the Price Guarantee offer message on their product detail page online or at point of sale in store. Items that do not display the Price Guarantee offer message are not eligible.
The Price Guarantee applies only to new items sold by Heal's on the website www.heals.com and within Heal's retail shops in the UK. It does not apply to purchases made from third-party sellers or any other website. It does not apply to sales of shop soiled items or ex display.
If the price of an item on the Price Guarantee drops below the price you were charged between the date of your order and the following 12 months you can bring your receipt into a Heal's store during the period of the additional offer and the price difference will be credited back to you on the card originally used for payment.
The Price Guarantee does not apply in the case of mispricing, or to orders cancelled by us in accordance with our standard Terms and Conditions. Our sale of products to you is subject to our standard Terms and Conditions.
Bundle offers, such as promotional discounts applied when items are purchased in multiples, are excluded from the Price Guarantee.